Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Now that title may be a bit misleading. No, I am not talking about the why do bad things happen... discussion. Not that I don't still have that one constantly circling in my head as I am sure we all do. I am talking about the 3 year old question to every question, statement, comment.... It has been discovered by one very cute little 3 year old who happens to live here.

I had to laugh tonight as Gary was sharing a snack with Ayden Jane before bedtime. Ayden Jane asked him a simple question and he gave her an honest answer. Then it happened. "Why?" The blessed question of all inquisitive 3 year old's, or is it the cursed question which can never be answered to a 3 year old's satisfaction? I am not sure where Ayden Jane picked it up but I have to say that I am thrilled to be driven crazy in this wonderfully 'typical' way. Gary fell for it hook line and sinker and after several rounds of answers to the question, "why?" he knew he was in this for the long hall.


  1. Ah yes, the "why"s. We counter with, "Why do YOU think so?" Most times, it stops the conversation right there. lol

  2. Tried it. AJ just responds with, "no, why do you think so?" She has mastered the art of answering a question with a question.
