Friday, May 10, 2013

Yippee!!!!! And Some Added Musing

So, Ayden Jane has been on Augmentin now for 24 hours and 3 doses.  The change is awesome.  Not to say that she is totally back to herself, but I can already see that she is going in the right direction.  First up, the amount of liquid that has come pouring out of this child is unreal.  Last night she managed to soak through 2 pull ups and soak 2 beds.   I know, more than you need to know, but when the infection really starts to kick in AJ swells.  Basically, she just retains so much water all over she looks puffy.  I took a picture last night of her in her pull up so I can compare in a week or two.  (I won't post them 'cause, well, she might hate me later)  Her cough is less thick and her energy is better.  Her eyes are even beginning to look clear! 

I figured the next best way to aid the clearing of congestion is with saline.  I went for the all natural saline called ocean water.  It was great.  We had not been out to the beach this spring because I knew the water was still a tad too cold and it would be a battle to keep AJ from turning blue as she swore the water was not too cold.  Noah had been surfing and said the water was warm enough and finally we had a beautiful day so off we went.  There were some friends there with their 3 boys, one of which is in AJ's class at school.  She and C went boogie boarding and had a great time together.  So fun to see AJ interact so well with other kids and enjoy the ocean!  She got her saline wash when she took a couple of good tumbles, ha!

So from this time around of illness I feel I can say for sure that Ayden Jane requires something stronger than the first round antibiotic and Augmentin seems to be the ticket for now.  Also, I believe that PharmaNac has strengthened her immune system so that she does not crash as hard from illness.  The severity of symptoms this time around was much less and the time it is taking to rebound seems to be much less as well.  It's not perfect but I'll take it!  During the illness we more than doubled her PharmaNac dose.  She just seems to burn through it when sick.  No digestive track issues with the increased dose while sick.  I will now back off to her regular amount of 1/2 tab. 

I am posting for the first time on my new computer!  Woo Hoo!  The posts should be coming much more regularly now.  I have a few unrelated things to touch on.

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