Saturday, July 23, 2011

According to AJ, All is Good

So I think I am ready for school to start back. I have thoroughly loved the summer days with no appointed times or schedules... but I am ready for a schedule. Ayden Jane is getting 'antsy' with the same old stuff we do and is getting into everything as a result. She has come out of this last little developmental spurt so funny and full of energy and life. It is wonderful and exhausting!

Today we picked up the house and then went surfing and to the pool. We left about 12:00 for the beach and did not get home until about 3:45. Nearly 4 hours of swimming! Ayden Jane took a little nap with Daddy for about 30 min. and then we went to the mall to do a few things. She was literally running up and down the mall giggling with glee. She never wears out.

At home she is getting more and more independent. Well, if that is possible! She wants to get her own food, wear sweatshirts in 100 degree weather, climb the shelves if the mood strikes. She feeds and waters the dog each day and honestly thinks she is helping when we wash Sadie and give her hair cuts. AJ just has her own opinion about EVERYTHING. And is sure there is nothing she can not do. I know that her spirit and determination are a big part why she is doing so great but at times I just want her to get into the car seat the direct easy way and let me buckle it!

She has been adorable lately, however, with asking about why God made her. She has totally latched on to the fact that she is special and loves to ask what makes her special. Then she goes through our family asking about why they are special and how God makes every body different and special and why.... Then she usually switches gears to why we have a big family and how lucky she is to have a big family and how Daddy loves her and Mommy loves her and Kayla... you get the picture.

I guess I see why she is such a positive, confident little kid! She knows there is nothing she can't do and that she is special and everybody loves her. Wonder if that will stick through her teens.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the last part in particular! What a wonderful thought process she has.
