Saturday, July 16, 2011

Speech Therapy and Letters

We decided at the end of the school year to take the summer off of speech therapy. I was curious how it would go, but confident that we would not lose too much ground even if it proved that the benefits of therapy have been bigger than we thought!

So how has the experiment gone? We can positively say that the speech therapy is a necessary part of Ayden Jane's life. We are lucky in that, for Ayden Jane, ST is for articulation only. I don't believe a break in therapy is possible for those who are dealing with apraxia or other more whole language delays.

Basically, we find that we are asking Ayden Jane to repeat herself more and more these days. That is something that we, as those who spend a lot of time with her, did not have to do last spring. I can't put my finger on what sounds are getting left out or replaced or 'mushy' but I find myself asking her to say it again... and again. Luckily Ayden Jane is not getting frustrated by this and I get a kick out of how, on the second or third 'say it again' she usually get louder. Like she thinks we just can't hear her or something.

Her word order is often strange and she still uses pronouns incorrectly more often that correctly. (or maybe I just notice cause it sounds so cute) For example: Sadie not give me she ball. or Her want me to give she a drink.

The poor articulation does not, however, deter AJ from increasing her vocabulary. She is good at using big words (if you can understand them). Some off the top of my head are: supplements, eventually, frustrated, patiently, annoying, actually, determination.... She is just a parrot and understands words and loves to use them.

Ayden Jane is also getting very interested in letters and books and reading. She is constantly on the look out for the letters in her name. She is good with recognizing them and is interested in how the letters make words. As for writing them? Wow is that an area that we will have to really work on. I will leave that for a future post.

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