Sunday, November 21, 2010


Kayla was chosen to play in the North/South State All Star game for volleyball. It was at Erskine College which is nearly 5 hours from home and she spent 3 days there. She had a great time and Ayden Jane and I got to go watch the big game on Sat. Five hours is a long time to drive for one game, especially for a 3 year old. Ayden Jane has proven to be an amazing traveler though. It is strange, though, how long trips affect her muscle tone and even neurology. I remember when she was really little too much car seat time always made her feel a bit mushy, but I thought she had out grown this. We learned different on this trip.

On the way back, AJ was stuttering unbelievably! It was like the first syllable of what she was saying was about 15 seconds long (literally). Then a more typical stutter would kick in. Here is an example that we heard MANY times. She was trying to start a sentence and was calling me saying, "hey Mom." It came out, "heeeeeeeeeeeey, Ma,ma,ma,ma,ma, mom." Then she would get a couple words out of what she was trying to tell me and get stuck so she would start the whole sentence over again and it was just as painful. Kayla and I laughed ourselves silly listening to her at first (only because we really believed it would be gone the next morning), but eventually it was just painful. Kayla, being the great big sister she is, spent about 45 min. playing "flying hedgehog with her to get us home." It involved throwing a toy back and forth and would normally not be tolerated in a vehicle!

So, how did she wake up this morning? Stuttering a tiny bit, but nothing like last night and she is sticking that belly out for sure! Good thing is that I am sure she will get it all back in shape in no time, but it is still fascinating. Talk about use it or lose it! Just one more bit of evidence that daily activity will be mandatory pretty much for the rest of her life.

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