Monday, September 22, 2014

Little Things

I have so much to catch up on but instead I'm going to 'talk' about the little things that have made my crazy days wonderful.

There are times when Mckenna has zero patience for Ayden Jane. Yep. There are times when I have zero patience for Ayden Jane. Typically, these times are in the morning as Mckenna is the polar opposite of a morning person and AJ wakes up talking. Luckily, Ayden Jane is out of the car in just a few minutes as we head to school in the morning. Mckenna proceeds to complete the ride in silence. Occasionally I try to talk but only grunts come in return and nothing is remembered so I generally just go with silence and then text her during lunch if I need to let her know something.

On the flip side there are times like this past Sunday. Mckenna was sitting in church with AJ waiting for things to get started. She began a game where she was writing a word and AJ had to try to read it and draw what the word said. Then they would switch and Ayden Jane would write a word and Mckenna had to draw it to guess what it said.

Ayden Jane loved it! She loved the game, the attention and just being able to play something that was big kid like.

Secondly, Ayden Jane brought home her spelling test. Yep. 100%. We worked on the words a little at a time through the week and she did great with the few she didn't know right off. I know it was not a hard test but I was still so excited. Just to pile it on, her teacher made a note on the paper that said she asked Ayden Jane spell them orally as well. Why is that a reason to jump for joy? I just love that Mrs. C has Ayden Jane do the written work like all the kids but takes the time to go behind and make sure to ask her to tell her orally. She places high expectations but makes sure that there is support.

To top it off, Ayden Jane wrote her first sentence with words spaced and mostly spelled properly. I have made many attempts to get Ayden Jane put space between her words as she writes but she would just tell me she did. (she didn't!) Somehow Mrs. C worked a miracle! It was so fun to watch AJ spell each word and then space them out.

Little things that are such big things.

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