Saturday, October 4, 2014


Ayden Jane was properly spoiled for her birthday. Last weekend, the prebirthday activities began with Kayla and Allie coming in from Clemson. They rode bikes to the beach, swam at the pool and played whatever Ayden Jane wanted for the entire day on Saturday. (which actually started more like Friday night) Ayden Jane is one lucky little 7 year old. They even showered her with presents!

Next up was the actual birthday. She asked to take chocolate dipped strawberries as a treat for her friends. It worked out great! Some of the kids looked at them like they were foreign objects from some crazy planet, but in the end almost everyone loved them. A few even said it was cool that they were on Ayden Jane's 'magic diet'.  (see the book Gordy and the Magic Diet) After school she had soccer practice and then Grandma came to visit and brought presents. Yay! She loved it.

For the grand finally, we took Ayden Jane to ride her first roller coaster. To say that she loved it is quite the understatement! She loved all things fast, high and spinning. The more wild, crazy and dangerous, the bigger the smile and greater the joy.

Sorry the pictures are not the greatest, but lighting and the speed at which they were going were a challenge.

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