Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ninja Baby

So much is going on. I feel like I am way behind in blog posts, even though that's not really how it works! Ayden Jane has just had such a spurt of, hmmmm, cognition I guess. She has always been funny, but it is just up a notch or two. One example: I told AJ to go get socks so we could put her shoes on. She disappeared down the hallway. She came back down the hall giggling with Kayla's socks in hand. Now, first of all, remember Kayla is 17 so those are some big socks. Secondly, they were in Kayla's top dresser drawer. When Kayla asked her how she got them she laughed and said, "I ninja baby." That is what Kayla calls her when she gets into mischief in her quiet little manner. Ayden Jane was totally just messing with Kayla.

Food has been a big discussion lately. Ayden Jane knows that she does not eat things with a lot of sugar in them. She has/had sort of just accepted this fact but now is questioning why. Same thing for things like pretzels and gold fish. It is not an, I am hungry and I want to eat them sort of questioning, just wants to understand why it is different for her... Of course, her humor is not far away. AJ: Mom, I eat a pretzel. Me: yes, I know, but pretzels are not really good for you so you don't eat them often. AJ: (with a big grin because she knew she was making a play on words) No, Mom I did eat a pretzel and it was very good for me. Note to self, change the way I phrase that one. Now, when she asks why she doesn't eat ________ the answer is, because it does not make you strong and healthy. Let's see her get around that one!

Tue. was the first time we have been to horses since AJ has been on the iron. We were there a short time, even before we got on the horse. A couple of the people that work there were amazed with how sharp AJ was. Little things like, she asked one lady, where is Jenna? She answered, she thought Jenna was on her way but was a bit surprised why AJ asked. AJ pointed to her hand and told her that she had Jenna's helmet... AJ also had a couple of other conversations and I was told AJ was quick, talking clear, funny, really smart.

So why do I think the iron is helping her so much right now? My first observations were that the spurts were very much similar to the spurts we saw with B12. I mentioned this to a friend (who is way smarter than me) and she directed me to research B12, iron and myelin. Totally a connection. I do not yet understand it and am still reading to understand it better, but I do think that there is something going on that is helping Ayden Jane make new neurological connections or at least more efficiently use the ones that are there.

1 comment:

  1. "ninja baby!"
    I love reading about Ayden Jane's sense of humor. She really is the funniest little girl. You've got to love the complexity of what she is thinking to be able to do that!
