Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cruising Right Along

Ayden Jane is 3 1/2 and, in a way, I wish she could stay just as she is forever. Yep. Felt the same about my others at different stages, but with Ayden Jane the biggest reason is that right now things are easy. The gaps between her and her peers are quite minimal. Food is really pretty easy. She is not tall enough to reach top shelves and is content with the foods she eats. The days of special care nursery and failure to thrive are far enough away that the pain is dull.

So, where are we exactly developmentally? I am sure I will have lots of information on that in a month when we go to Florida for a PWS sibling study. For now, it is sufficient to say that with AJ's fall birthday, she will be in 3 year old preschool class next year and she talks up a storm. Sings several songs start to finish, knows most of her upper case letters and some of the sounds, knows her colors most days, counts easily to 10 and sometimes to 20, recognizes her name.... the basics. I have spent some time in her preschool class and I can truly say that she is right with the average student, just a little quirky and sometimes a bit slow to respond. She has shown, though, that even when she looks a bit 'out to lunch' she is absorbing everything like a sponge. (yep. just like those first months!) She has a tremendous sense of humor and is great at reading tone of voice, facial expression and has an excellent vocabulary with a bit of articulation difficulty.

We still have work to do for sure, but overall things are calm and happy.

So, what about the future? In some ways the unknown about her future is a blessing and in some ways it is terrifying. Knowing that AJ has already redefined what I was told about PWS when she was diagnosed allows me, no forces me, to dream big for her. That is exciting (and, of course a little exhausting) as we as a family will continue to be creative in finding answers to challenges one after another. It is terrifying as I know the 'possibles' or in some ways probables of those challenges. I just have to trust God that He will continue to guide us as we continue on each day. Then again, this is not a new concept that applies just to Ayden Jane! Kayla is gifted intellectually and has an incredible servant heart. What lights her up more than anything is telling me all about the kids she works with in an after school program, or about the girls in Guatemala she is now friends with after her mission trip there. How do we help guide her? Noah is athletic and bright and is a natural leader. How do we help guide him? Mckenna is summed up in Kayla's words to her the other day, "call me when you find something you can't do!" (and yes, it was said with love and meant as a compliment) How, oh how? do I guide this one?!?

The past 3 years have been, because they had to be, soooo focused on Ayden Jane. I am hoping that this phase with her lasts also so I can enjoy the incredible talents and blessings of my other 3 because ALL of them grow up so fast.

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