Thursday, August 22, 2013

So Far So Good

We have two days of Kindergarten under our belt.  Woo Hoo!  It has been very entertaining to see Ayden Jane's response each day.  She is obviously a bit over done when she gets through those doors.  She craves a deep hug and doesn't say much at first.  The best strategy has been to talk about something old and familiar and she starts chatting away!

You would think that she would then be exhausted and hit the hay early.  Nope.  The first day she and I ended up playing wrestle mania and chasing all around the house like crazy people for 45 minutes!  She did dose off a bit but only to then return to action and hit the beach and the pool with Gary.  It was actually hard to get her to bed!

Day two she came out quiet, but it didn't last long.  She doesn't really want to talk about school, but she says she likes it and has informed me that she will not be dismissing early for PT once a week!  We walk home from school (3/4 mile) and it seems to help her relax.  At home she had a snack and watched a bit of well earned TV.  Then it hit.  Crazy energy time.  She helped with some work around the house and played with the dogs.  Then it was back off to the beach and pool!  No nap at all and when she got back from the pool at 8 she was WOUND up and hysterical.  Finally in bed by 9 and she will be back at it at 6:30 tomorrow morning.  Whew!

It is fun to see Noah in her.  He was my one that had to deprogram from school for a few minutes and then run hard to get the school day out of his system.  Home work or anything seated and requiring concentration HAD to wait.  No homework right afterschool for him.  So far it looks like Ayden Jane is going to follow suit.  Only problem with that is Noah could run with the neighbor boys and get out all his pent up energy.  Ayden Jane pretty much has to play with ME.  Guess we will find some fun things to do and enjoy being active!

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