Thursday, March 15, 2018


As the days go by, we are enjoying a pretty calm time. Ayden Jane is getting up and out the door on time for school most days. That was not the case much of this year. I am not sure what the change is... In the past she was simply not stressed about whether or not she arrived on time. Nothing we said or did seemed to motivate her. We all know that no steps in the morning routine could be skipped. And, of course, push too hard and you just create meltdown central... Some days she would nearly make it out the door and then decide she would not make it through the day if she did not shower! Seems as though the past few weeks have been smooth sailing though!

Ayden Jane also seems to have a better grip on school in general as well. She comes home and knows exactly what she wants to work on. She does not get a sort of standard homework. She brings home anything not done or asks for me to go over with her anything she did not understand. I have no idea how she is doing from the schools perspective, but she seems much calmer and less overwhelmed by it all.

We have been working on a lot of Khan Academy in the evenings. I am still a bit unclear on whether these assignments are completely required, or if they are supplemental. I'm guessing both to an extent. Ayden Jane really likes when we do these together because she does not understand the video. The idea behind Khan Academy is that there are video instructions for each skill so you can watch the instruction, It sounds strange, but she is not good at obtaining information from video. Even as a small child, she did not watch TV or video. I remember being thrilled at about age 4 that she would watch an entire episode of Curious George and give me a break!

I have enjoyed the Khan Academy with her though. She truly does not want to get answers right just to get answers correct. She gets so excited about understanding what she is doing. I could give her correct answers and she would not enter them unless I showed her how. I hope she retains that love of learning and wanting to understand. If we can keep Khan over summer I will be happy to Khan and read the summer away and be on top of things for grade 5.

We need a win next year. This one has been rough.

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