Sunday, March 5, 2017

What a Week

It is now Sunday. I think this may have been one of the longest weeks EVER. The highlights are Ayden Jane spending 3 days in the hospital and me being sick and exhausted.

I think we are both well on the mend. Mckenna is finally feeling better, although she has on very swollen ankle from soccer. The emotional part of this week for Mckenna was a friend dying in a car accident. Mckenna was not super close to her, but they were in Chemistry class together and joked around in the training room as they were both athletes. Mckenna spoke of her a few times in the past weeks and said how great she was and what an awesome attitude she had.

It's a little haunting, hearing Mckenna say things like, "but Mom, she was doing everything right. She was a good person and was just heading home from track practice. She wasn't out there doing stupid stuff, she didn't deserve this." She is right. Her friend didn't deserve this. Her friends family, the boy driving, the other kids in the school... none of them deserve to have lost this precious life. That's a lot for teenagers to process.

So glad to have this week behind us and know that each week, each day ahead is an opportunity to live the life God wants for us. Ayden Jane is such an example of knowing God, trusting Him and using every bit of ability within her to give God her best.

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