Thursday, May 6, 2010


Life generally has a roller coaster feel to it anyway, but when you add in a dose of PWS the peaks and valleys of the ride are just more extreme. Now, I definitely like the peaks, don't get me wrong and over all I would say I am enjoying the ride. Somedays, however, you think you are headed for a peak and find out that you are actually now cascading downward. Sometimes there are reasons for the change in emotions, like you hang out with a friend who's child reminds you that your little one really has a long road ahead. Or it can be a simple as seeing another child on the playground say mean things to a weaker child. You suddenly see your little one as the brunt of jokes or harassment and you get crazy angry or your heart breaks for them. What never ceases to amaze me is that these things hit with such force. I mean, after all, Ayden Jane is doing great and I hear lots of, "she has a problem? I would never have known." You would think there are enough positives for me to just cruise through the lows.

I do love the days though, when out of the blue, Ayden Jane shows me there is no need to worry. She has a great knack for being goofy at just the right time. Of course, maybe that is God's answer to some of your prayers. Thanks.

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