Friday, September 24, 2010


I was faced today with how unbelievably important awareness of PWS is. We are so blessed that the folks at MUSC kept having us come back for follow ups. At the time, I so wanted to believe it was going to be okay and I didn't really even want to go. It was always hard watching them pick apart every little thing about Ayden Jane. In reality they were just searching for clues, but it was painful to watch. Ayden Jane was diagnosed at 8 months which is later than lots of kids, but still early enough to get full benefits of early intervention.

It doesn't go that way for all families. Some go for years struggling to get someone to listen and send them wherever it is they need to go to find the answers. As the research continues to uncover new hope for those diagnosed with PWS, I hope that also the awareness comes so that those who 'struggle and just don't know why' may find hope as well.

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