Thursday, September 16, 2010


Of course we all know that swimming is great for everyone. It is low impact great exercise. Ayden Jane has loved the water from the beginning and we have always felt that we see benefits both in strength and, quite frankly, mood after she has been swimming.

Let me start by describing just what she does when we go swimming. She HATES to wear water wings/swimmies. So, we just let her go without them. She has become very comfortable in the water with a pool noodle. It is the best $1.50 I ever spent. Last night we went to the pool and Ayden Jane starts by jumping right in. Yep, before I even have a chance to put things down she is in the water. She hold the noodle as she jumps and pops right up. She loves it when we jump in and 'bomb' her. Shortly after she will take a hold of her noodle and swing one leg over to ride it like a horse. Once in this position she will balance, kick with her feet and paddle with her hands. She actually moves across the pool pretty well this way. Her latest trick is to 'swim' to the rope, throw her noodle over and head into the 9 ft! She then thinks it is funny to flip over her noodle like a somersault. She lets go and enjoys the weightless feeling, yes making me get the bigger work out. She usually goes wide open for 20 to 30 and then is content to play on the steps, swimming out and back without her noodle. Jumping in and swimming to me... It is just a calmer pace.

Here is what was new. When I picked up Ayden Jane from school today they were thrilled to tell me what an awesome day Ayden Jane had. She apparently was talking up a storm and over all less shy. They saw a real difference in her. Definitely have to try this experiment again. Of course, the problem is the pool will be getting cold soon!

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