Some one remarked about Ayden Jane's name the other day. I think she said it was, "unusual." I'll take that as a compliment, but it did make me stop and think about her name a bit.
When we were rolling around ideas for a name for baby number 4, we were having trouble coming up with a girls name. Several names kicked around, but for whatever reason, Gary and I both liked Ayden. Sort of like as soon as we heard it we knew that was it. As for the middle name, it was actually Mckenna that first suggested Jane. It just fit so...
What we were unaware of was how unbelievably accurate a description for our little one the name would be. A quick search for the meaning of the name Ayden reveals: Little fire. (Need I say more). The name Jane: God is gracious. Wow. Our Ayden Jane could not have much more fire. She is fiery about the way she is determined to keep up with her siblings, about doing it herself!, but I would also say that the passion with which she has fun is another form of that fire. Yep. No matter what AJ is doing, it is with her whole heart. If only we could all live that way. As for Jane, well, to have held her as an unbelievably frail infant and watched the personality, strength and fire grow... Well, I guess I get to live with God's grace. We are truly blessed.
Love it!! I think it's a great name and what a fitting meaning. :)