Thursday, October 28, 2010

Awesome Sister and Upper Body Work

So, although this blog is mainly about Ayden Jane, she obviously has 3 siblings. I just have to pause to brag on what a great kid our oldest, Kayla is. It has been an incredible week for her. She has been officially accepted to Clemson (not sure if that is where she will go) and offered scholarship funds already for her academic record. She was selected for the all state volleyball team. Her high school team is heading to round 3 in the play offs. Most amazing though, is the hardworking humble spirit she has. She works part time and has decided to use her money to return to Guatemala this Christmas to brighten the lives of the girls at the Oasis, a home for abused and neglected girls there. She also hopes to visit with Oscar, the child we sponsor through Kids Alive. It will be hard on Mom to have her gone for Christmas, but I am proud of her that her choice is for Christmas to be about brightening the lives of others, not about what she will receive.

Now on to Ayden Jane news. We had a genetics appointment yesterday. I still go to see Dr. Pai because he is interested in learning. He asks me what new research I have heard about, conferences I have gone to... He really wants to know and takes notes. Mostly, he just follows Ayden Jane and really does not have much to offer us, but I love that a hospital like MUSC has a guy who at least is interested in learning.

As for Ayden Jane's new 'needs', yesterday we hit the playground near out house. I guessed that bars would be good. Wow, that is exactly what she wanted! She loved climbing the ladders and she can just reach the first monkey bar on her own now. Of course, she shoves me away if I touch her while she gets her grip and lets her feet fly. She like to swing on them and have me catch her as she falls. Then I hold her feet and she goes hand over hand across them like a pro. She is definitely craving upper body work. Ideas anyone???

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