Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Ayden Jane and I both caught a nasty cold a couple weeks before Christmas. AJ has been great through it, blowing her nose like a trooper, sleeping fine... Until the last couple of days. The change has been gradual so I think it crept up on me. Today, I am convinced that it is time for some antibiotics.

So what are the signs Ayden Jane is sick? She has NO patience and cries at the drop of a hat. She is not eating much at all. I am having a hard time understanding her and I wonder what she is hearing. She wants to go out and play but gets frustrated because she tires quickly. I started thinking about it and I realized that we are a couple days past 2 weeks with this cold! I am really hoping a good round of antibiotics and I will be reacquainting myself with the sweet, even tempered, silly Ayden Jane and wondering what took me so long to realize she needed some help.

This is the second time in her 3 years she has been sick. I guess I can't complain.

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