Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So Much to Say so Little Time

It seems that these days things I want to write down come up all day long. When I have two minutes to sit down I can't remember any of them! I will try to hit a few, but I will apologize in advance for the way this will bounce around.

First up, Valentines Day. I have to say that St. Peter's Preschool has been so great to Ayden Jane. The staff totally gets and appreciates her and the parents go out of their way to include her; even though I have not ever asked them to!! Ayden Jane had a few pieces of candy in her bag at the end of the day, but she also had play doh, a book, a pencil, a heart shaped slinky, stickers and some beads and string! I would say they are some creative parents!!

On the food front, Ayden Jane has become very aware that there are things she cannot eat. Now, this is not shocking, just that she really wants to understand.... For now the standard line is that "different people need different food to be healthy. Just like some friends cannot eat nuts, you cannot eat things with sugar and flour in them." The other food thing she has done lately is interesting. She will see bread or something she knows she cannot have and will ask me to put it up high. I think it is pretty amazing that she already knows when she feels tempted and wants me to put it out of reach. Not to say that when I am not around she wouldn't just take a bite first!

Marathon: It is just days away. I am excited as the weather looks great! I feel like I should be nervous, I know I was last year! I think, though, I am just so ready to do this thing that I'm not. It has been a year and a half in the making and I am so ready to move on! To have the marathon under my belt. Will there be more of them? That will likely depend on how Sat. goes.

Some things Ayden Jane has done lately to crack us up? Hmmm. This morning she was playing with her baby waiting for time to head to school. I left her in the living room and went to the bedroom to change clothes. It seemed really quiet so I went out to check on her and couldn't find her anywhere. I grabbed some shoes to slip my feet into to look outside and she popped through the door. I asked her what she was doing out there and she answered, "my car not cooperating. I want it to take me and baby to school." Apparently she did not feel the need for me to drive her, she was going to take her little Fred Flintstone type car and make the trip herself! Crazy kid.

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