Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fun at the Beach

Okay, so I will start with an apology. I am not very good at taking my camera with me... Then again, to get to the beach today I had to carry Ayden Jane (or examine every rock, shell, leaf...toddler time) and Mckenna's surf board. Now, even if I had been smart enough to throw it in my back pack with the sunscreen... the chances I would have used it are slim. Why you ask? Because Ayden Jane thinks she can swim to Europe. Okay, so she is really just trying to swim to Mckenna, but either way I would have been forced to choose between her and the camera on several occasions.

All the way to the beach AJ was saying, "I get my piggies wet. I get my toe wet. I not get my face wet. I get my feet wet... I go beach. I go surf with Mckenna." Now this is not as bad as it sounds because we are just a few minutes from the ocean. Once we got there Mckenna went out with her surf board and AJ was content to watch with her 'piggies' in the water, but the ocean was choppy and the current was pretty strong so Mckenna didn't surf long. She came and played with Ayden Jane and, of course, convinced her to get a lot more wet and soon AJ was 'swimming' with Mckenna and jumping on her.

Once Mckenna decided to head back toward deeper waters, Ayden Jane made it clear she was heading out too. I stood behind her and just let her go. Talk about a workout on balance! The current was gradually pushing us north and the ocean floor constantly different under our feet. Ayden Jane just kept inching out into the water. She was hip high and doing great. Sometimes a stronger wave would knock her down, but she could right herself with hands and feet and start heading back out. I did have to pull her back in a few times and she was NOT happy with me when I did. In her mind, she was swimming out to Mckenna and beyond and she wished I would leave her alone. It was hysterical. There were definitely some good pictures to be taken, but alas, next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm a new reader and I wanted to let you know that I have an award for you at my blog.

    Your family is beautiful and it sounds like you had a wonderful day.
