We have really enjoyed summer so far. It has been crazy busy and we have had nothing close to a schedule, but it has been FUN. I think we have hit the pool or beach nearly every day, head to the playground frequently, play outside when it is cool enough (heat advisories last week) and even plan to hang with cousins at the water park this week.
As far as temperature goes, it is HOT in SC this time of year. Oddly enough, Ayden Jane does not really seem too affected by the heat right now. A lot of kids with PWS seem to over heat easily and last summer we did have trouble with that. The funny thing I have noticed this spring and summer is that Ayden Jane gets cold while swimming if the water is even a bit cold. At first it was the pool. She would swim for a bit and then hit a definite, "I cold. I all done." She would shiver and take a while to warm up. The ocean was still a bit nippy, even for me so she just was not in it too much. I was surprised today when we were at the beach. Ayden Jane was in the ocean for just a bit and was really cold when she came out. She ended up playing very happily up in the warm dry sand. I walked up there with her and buried her legs for the fun of it. Ayden Jane respond with a sigh in her voice, "Oh, thank you mommy." I guess it felt like a warm blanket!
I think by the end of the week we will be potty training. I must say I am not looking forward to it. Ayden Jane is very head strong and wants to do things her way in her time... On the other hand, she now freezes and announces when she uses her diaper, "I stink. I go potty." (Usually she is just wet) She then proceeds to attempt to take off her diaper and climb on the potty. This is also followed by all of the animals or babies she is playing with needing to be 'changed' as well. Okay that I am ready to be done with. I guess it is time. Wish me luck!
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