Sunday, June 12, 2011

Looking Forward

One of the joys of parenthood is looking forward toward what type of person your child will grow into. Will they be driven to run things, will they be more servant oriented, will they be academic or more of a hands on kid... Yes, it is somewhat the question of what will they do, but beyond that. I truly enjoy thinking about the possibilities my kids have before them and the potential within them. The picture changes and either broadens or narrows as the child grows. No pressure to make them into your picture, more in a trying to figure out the picture as small pieces are revealed.

I guess Kayla going off to college next fall just kicks this sort of mind wandering off. It is pure joy with her because she knows generally what direction she is going and has all the discipline and skills to get herself there. With Noah, a rising junior it is fun in sort of the opposite way. It is so wide open because he just doesn't really know what he wants. Mckenna? We all love to think about what she may do in like. She is dripping with brains, beauty and creativity. Whatever she decides on she will most definitely succeed.

When it comes to Ayden Jane it is a strange little game. Obviously she is too young for us to really have any idea what her long term interests will be. But for me to try to picture her just after high school.... College? A job? Will this nasty Prader Willi Syndrome take her joy? Her zest for life? I guess it is just that constant collision of what AJ's life is supposed to be like and what our actual experience is. Some days I can picture her being able to handle PWS well enough to just take it in stride, go off to college and have a great future. Other days I worry about being able to care for AJ when she is older and we are OLD. I think I most worry about her finding her purpose here and happiness. Which really go hand in hand if you think about it.

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