Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yucky Posture

Well, we had PT today. Last week Jen was noticing the wierd posture Ayden Jane has started. In fact, her response when looking at Ayden Jane was, "UGGG." I will try to describe what AJ is doing but I am not promising anything.

Ayden Jane is shifting her weight to her right side, locking/hyper extending her knee and rotating her body so that her left shoulder back behind her a bit. Jen took stickers and put them on each shoulder. Then we had AJ stand and look in the mirror and told her she needed to be able to see both stickers. Ayden Jane could not see the left one and really had no awareness as to how to make it come forward. We worked on it for a bit last week but did not get far. That was the day that Ayden Jane was starting to feel really puny...

Now to this week. I was sort of hoping that her not feeling well was contributing... but alas, she still does not look good. Jen tried to get to the root from a couple of different angles. Basically, Ayden Jane is just REALLY good at compensating for muscles she does not particularly like. We spent a lot of time with our feet on a line pointing straight ahead and throwing and catching a ball a bit to our right. Jen did several things to get at the root of why she is doing this and I am not sure she knows yet, but what was interesting is that Ayden Jane seemed to be much better after some good stretching on the left side. I am guessing that the tightening of the left side is not the cause, but more from a bad habit that is in turn making the bad habit harder to break...

Anyway, this week we are handing things to Ayden Jane to her right, throwing balls to her right, coming up behind her and getting her to turn her head over her right shoulder to look, swinging a bat to improve rotational control and stretching the left side a bit. Also, sitting criss cross apple sauce to stretch the outside of the right leg that wants to internally rotate which is likely the start to the whole body rotation. YUCK.

I am so glad we have Jen. She knows Ayden Jane so well and does such a great job of noticing the crazy little things that seem to come with growth in Ayden Jane. It amazes me how Ayden Jane can do so much, climb so well, swim so well... and yet anything that requires static posture she is lousy at! That seems to be where the low tone really shows up. I guess I need to find some yoga for kids around here. Hope we get this straight soon so we can get on with teaching some new skills!

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