Saturday, March 27, 2010


I posted the following on the holistic pws site.

Hi all,

Quite a while back there was some talk about D-ribose and I believe the amazing William. Around that time I purchased some as I was ordering the other supplements. I ended up working on other things and was also trying to keep bouts of what seemed to be hypoglycemia type tendencies under control so I just put it in the cabinet. Well, I discovered it maybe a month ago.

I figured it was worth a shot with Ayden Jane because, if I remember right, it works somehow with or maybe it is needed more because of B-12 and she is a big responder to that. I did not really expect any grand improvements as Ayden Jane is really doing great so I was trying it more because I knew I bought it for a reason...

Here is what I think I see. Well, I definitely see it, I just don't know if it is from the ribose. Sort of the last significant 'oddities' about AJ have been how different she is out and about compared to home and some sensory seeking issues. At home, or even out and about but with her family members she is loud and animated and active. Outside of home or with non family members she is silent, hardly animated and active only in her own little games or running off to investigate. It is sort of like her brain is so busy taking stuff in and processing it when dealing with unfamiliar people, that she cannot possibly respond to them. (Not sure if that makes any sense to any of you)

After a bit less than a week, I started to notice that AJ actually spoke to some of my friends. They had never heard her talk before. She began to have personality no matter where we were and with people she had not met before. Most amazing to me of all is that at the playground this week, she truly played with another little girl about a year older. She has been at that playground many times and has never even acknowledged other kids accept to watch what they were doing. This time she followed the little girl as they repeatedly climbed up to slide and waited for each other at the bottom. Then AJ asked her to go swing with her! I had to translate, (after I snapped out of my state of shock) but off we went happily to the swings. It is hard to put into words other than to say that her little personality shines through now.

So, could it be the ribose? I know that she was quicker and more responsive after we started the B-12, so are they somehow working together with the other supplements? Or is this just the age these things happen?

Ayden Jane is 2 1/2

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